Monday, February 14, 2011

Kenneth's Bobo Role

I would select Spike Lee for the role of Bobo. Bobo's physical description is a short, African-American male probably in his 30's. Bobo plays a small role in the play as one of Walter's business partners in the liquor business. Spike is a person of ambition and business savvy and I feel he relates to Bobo in that Bobo's goal was to become wealthy and successful in business.

Kenneth's Karl Lindner Role

I would select Carroll O'Connor for the role of Karl Linder. Mr. Linder is portrayed as an old gray haired white man who represented the white neighborhood association in Clybourne Park, where the Younger family was planning to move. His character is of a gentle and thoughtful person who tries to reasonably explain to the Youngers why its not a good idea to move into their neighborhood. He does this by tellin them " ......I want you to believe me when I tell you that race prejudice simply doesn't enter into it. It is a matter of the people of Clybourne park believing, rightly or wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities." (Act 2, Scene 3, p.1066) He, on behalf of the neighborhood associated, offers the Younger family a generous amount for their house to block their intended move into the neighborhood. When I read about Mr. Linder's character, Carroll O'Connor suddenly came to mind as he played the character of William Gillespie in the tv series "In the Heat of the Night" which cast him as a sheriff in a small Mississippi town working for a black prosecutor. His understanding personality for a person of color reminds me of Mr.Linder's persona.

Keneth's Travis Younger Role

I would select Jaden Smith for this role as Travis is portrayed as a 10 to 11 year old African-American boy, who is handsome and sturdy. He also represents the sixth generation of the Younger clan. Travis is a boy of full energy, good heart, innocenece and would be willing to do anything to get what he wants. A great example of this is when he needed 50 cents for an event in school but his family wasn't able to provide it. He asks his parents if he could bag groceries in the store in order to earn the money. Travis plays a significant part in the play when Mama Younger makes him stay to watch his father take the money from Mr. Linder to not move into the neighborhood. His presence forces Walter to change his mind as Walter does not want to set a bad example for his son.  Jaden Smith would be excellent for this role as Travis's age matches his age of 10. Also, Jaden is very talented and energetic especially since being raised in the household of talented actors, Will and Jada Smith.  

Kenneth's George Murchison Role

I would select Blake Underwood for this role. Blake comes to mind as he is known as a person who dresses nice and also speaks articulately. His persona matches the character of George Murchision as George is portrayed as a young college-educated black man who dresses well. He is also interested in Beneatha. He shows his college background by telling Walter "Good night, Prometheus".(Act 2, Scene 1, p.1058)  He is also a person of arrogance. A great example of this is when Beneatha asks him what time the show in the theatre starts, he responds by saying "It's an eight-thirty curtain. That's just Chicago, though. In New York standard curtain time is eight forty".(Act 2, Scene 1, p.1057). George is also ignorant when he tells Beneatha about her culture assilmilation interest, "Oh, dear,dear,dear! Here we go! A lecture on the African past! On our Great West African Heritage! In one second we will hear all about the great Ashanti empires: the great Songhay civilizations; and the great sculpture of Benin-and then somepoetry in the bantu-and the whole monologue will end with the word heritage! Let's face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!"(Act 2, Scene 2, p.1057) George's main goal was to find the right kind of woman. 

Kenneth's Joseph Asagai Role

I selected Eddie Murphy for Joseph Asagai's character mainly because it reminded me of the character that Eddie played in the movie "Coming to America"(Photo above). Mr. Asagai is portrayed as an educated Nigerian man who came from Canada. He has a love interest for Beneatha. He is also a deep, philosophical thinker as he says to Beneatha " About how much time one needs to know what one feels?" (Act 1, Scene 2, p.1051) Joseph is also very polite. He demonstrates this by asking Mama Younger's forgiveness for coming at an outrageous hour on a Saturday. He also teaches Beneatha his culture by giving her a robe from his village. His quote, "Sacrificing for the future of his people" showed a charismatic element to his personality. His two goals in the play was the betterment of Africa and win Beneatha's heart as he asks her to move with him to Africa.

Kenneth's Lena Younger Role

I would cast Esther Rolle for the role of Lena Younger as Lena's physical description is an African-American woman in her early 60's. Lena, know as Mama throughout the play, is a woman of deep religious faith who knows what is best for her family. She is the one of is wise and has a practical outlook on life. An example of this is when she puts $3,500 of the $10,000 insurance money that she received on a down payment for a house with lots of sunlight in a white neighborhood. Mama is a very loving and trusting person as she gives her son the rest of the leftover money to take care of the family's needs. An example of this is when Walter asks Mama if she trusted him like that and Mama responds by saying "I ain't never stop trusting you. Like I ain't never stop loving you".(Act 2, Scene 2, p.1063)   She is also a domestic worker like Ruth who dreamed of having a garden of her own one day. I feel that Esther would relate to her character very well as I remembered Esther playing a role of a domestic widow on a tv show called "Good Times" in the 1970's. Her character in that show was one with lots of love and trust for her family.

Kenneth's Beneatha Younger Role

I would cast Rosario Dawson for the role of Beneatha Younger as Beneatha is described as a tall, slim 20 year old African-American female. She is a person of high standards as she pursues a degree to be a doctor in a field dominated by white men. She is also a person who needs to find her identity as she would constantly change hobbies from horseback riding to acting to playing the guitar. She is also interested in finding her African roots as she is romanced by one of her love interests, Joseph Asagai. Beneatha is also against the belief in god when she says "I'm just tired of hearing about God all the time. What has he got to do with anything? Does he pay tuition?"(Act 1, Scene 1, p.1048) She is also someone who wouldn't marry someone because of wealth or appearance as she tends to lean with Joseph Asagai over the rich George Murchison. Rosario would be great in this role as she is a person of high energy and charisma. She would deliver a unique perspective on this character with her uncanny appeal.

Kenneth's Walter Lee Younger Role

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kenneth's Walter Lee Younger Role

I would cast Denzel Washington for this role as he fits Walter's physical description of a thirty-five year old, physically fit African-American male. Walter Lee Younger is portrayed as a limo driver who possessed ambitious but unrealistic goals of becoming a wealthy black businessman. In (Act 2, Scene 2, p.1063), he had dreamed of his family living in a beautiful home with a gardener greeting them and also wanted to own nice cars and put his son, Travis, to any college of his desire. Walter is the one character who experiences a complete transformation throughout the play from a money hungry person to a proud and high moral value person. A great example of this is on (Act3, Scene 3, p.1075). With his son looking on, he tells Mr. Linder "And we have decided to move into our house because my father-my father-he earned it for us brick by brick. We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we try to be good neighbors. And that's all we got to say about that. We don't want your money". The immaturand materialistic personality of this character does not really match Denzel's persona but I Denzel is a versatile actor that he would be able to immerse himself into this character. Also whenever I think of a young black leading man, Denzel comes to mind all the time.  

Kenneth's Ruth Younger Role

I would cast Angela Bassett for this role as she pefectly matches Ruth's physical description of a mid thirties African-American woman who is beautiful. Ruth Younger is portrayed as a domestic home worker who does the typical housewife chores around the home. A great example of this is when she says to her son Travis, "Come on now boy, it's seven thirty. I say hurry up, Travis! You ain't the only person in the world got to use a bathroom She is the wife of Walter Lee Younger. Her main goal throughout the play was to keep her family together as she and Walter were having problems in their relationship. Ruth possesses a simple, down to earth motherly type of personality which I feel would be well portrayed by Ms. Bassett, who has played this type of role in the Tina Turner bio "What's Love Got To Do With It".