Monday, February 14, 2011

Keneth's Travis Younger Role

I would select Jaden Smith for this role as Travis is portrayed as a 10 to 11 year old African-American boy, who is handsome and sturdy. He also represents the sixth generation of the Younger clan. Travis is a boy of full energy, good heart, innocenece and would be willing to do anything to get what he wants. A great example of this is when he needed 50 cents for an event in school but his family wasn't able to provide it. He asks his parents if he could bag groceries in the store in order to earn the money. Travis plays a significant part in the play when Mama Younger makes him stay to watch his father take the money from Mr. Linder to not move into the neighborhood. His presence forces Walter to change his mind as Walter does not want to set a bad example for his son.  Jaden Smith would be excellent for this role as Travis's age matches his age of 10. Also, Jaden is very talented and energetic especially since being raised in the household of talented actors, Will and Jada Smith.  

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